PTV Will Telecast Live Taraweeh This Ramadan.

PTV Will Telecast Live Taraweeh

According to a report of Radio Pakistan, PTV will telecast live Taraweeh. This is happening due to the current state of coronavirus. As we all know the virus is still spreading and lockdown will be held for some more time.

With Ramadan approaching everyone is concerned about prayers and taraweeh situation. This is happening on the instructions of President Arif Alvi.

He gave instructions about Prayers in the mosque and imambargahs will resume with strict security and health measurements.

Alongside with the cooperation of Scholars and ulema the President gave the 20 points letter. In which the rules shall be followed at all levels. From cities to districts and villages.

However, There are many voices that are trying to avoid congregational prayers. Because social gathering of any kind (be it a wedding or a Salat al jamah prayer), will enhance the possibility of spreading the coronavirus.

Also. in the meantime, According to the Minister of Religious affairs Noor Ul Haq Qadri the government should restor the ban on mass prayer if it causes any increase in infection.

This report came on wednesday. lets see what happens. As we all know that this virus has put a great harmful impact on all our lives. If you are not going to stay at home then you should be ready to be infected.

This virus is not going to go any time sooner. Moreover Virus can spread in the coming days. With Ramadan coming it is more essential to take care of yourself. Wash your hands regularly. Maintain social distancing. If you take care of your loved ones. If you have love for them then you should follow all the instructions.

PTV Will Telecast Live Taraweeh. as instructed by the president. and let us see what will be its outer facts. Also what do you guyz think of this current situation let us know in the comments down below.