How to earn money From Youtube

How to earn Money from Youtube

Youtube is a worldwide video uploading and watching platform. There is a huge amount of people who are actively uploading videos on youtube. Also, a huge amount of people are watching these videos. But do you know? You can earn money from Youtube. Yes, There article is totally about “How to earn money From Youtube.”

This article is very interesting, and I guarantee that you will know some hidden things about youtube. So Must engage with it to see the Method of Earning money from Youtube.

Who can earn money from Youtube?

Make Money From Youtube

So firstly, this is very important to tell you about who can earn money from youtube. So the answer will shock you. “Anyone” Yes, anyone can make money from youtube. But this is very important to know that “How”?

So Youtube is a Platform where Billions of people are watching videos daily, and also millions of YouTubers are here who are uploading these videos. You can learn a lot of courses on youtube. You can even entertain yourself by watching funny videos, pranks, movies, and much other content.

All Youtubers who are uploading videos on Youtube are earning from their videos.

If you have any Skill, you can do anything from which people can learn, entertain themselves, and enjoy your videos. Then you will earn money from your Videos.

How can I Earn Money from Youtube?

Earn from Youtube

Youtube is a platform where you can turn your Passion into Profit. Yes, you can monetize your video content on Youtube.

If you have any creativity in yourself like Art and Designing, Teaching, Entertaining, Singing, and Dancing so you can make a channel on it, and you can upload videos. And from those videos, you can earn money.

But remember that this is not a very simple and easy task because there is a huge competition increasing day by day. If you make noninteresting and copied content so your chances of getting succeed on Youtube will get decreased.

But with your original and creative content, you can beat the competition, and also, your chances of success on youtube will get increased.

Youtube channel Requirments:

There is not any expense to create a youtube channel. You can quickly create your Youtube channel within few steps free of cost.

You only need a Gmail account or a number for verification, which everyone has at this time.

By using a Gmail account, you can create your youtube channel on that mail. And your Number will help you to verify your youtube channel. You only need these two things to create a channel on youtube.

Youtube Monetization requirements:

Monetize Youtube channel

Because of the competition and too many youtube channels, Youtube monetization policies are going strictly day by day.

If you want to monetize your youtube channel, you will need to meet all the youtube policies to get monetized.

Youtube monetization requirements are “4000 hours” of watch time and “1000 subscribers.”

If your channel gets 4k hours of watch time and 1k subscribers, you can apply for the Youtube partnership program.

After meeting the youtube monetization policies and applying for a partnership program, youtube will review your channel, and after reviewing, your channel will get monetized. Youtube can also reject your monetization request if your channel doesn’t meet youtube policies.

Before applying, make sure that you have your own content, not copyright. Also, Make sure that you have completed youtube monetization requirements. Then you can apply for the Youtube Partnership program.

If you reject the youtube monetization program, so don’t worry. There are too many more ways to earn money from youtube.

Here is one of my articles where you can check out all the methods to earn money from youtube without AdSense.

How much can I earn from youtube?

Youtube Partnership Program

Youtube is the second biggest Search engine after Google. There are no expectations of how much you can earn. There are Millions of YouTubers who are making Millions of dollars from youtube.

You can take the example of Pewdiepiew, who has around 108 Million Youtube subscribers on his channel. It’s Motivational for all coming YouTubers.

There are many more other Youtubers who are the most subscribed on youtube. Believe me that these YouTubers had earned Millions of Dollars from their channels.

If your video content is unique and attractive, then your channel will grow fast, and your videos will get more and more views. And the earning depend on your video views. The more views you will get on your videos, the more earning you will get from youtube.

How much YouTube pays for 1000 views?

Youtube 1000 Views

Youtube officially doesn’t have any chart where you can see earnings by views. It depends on your content type and your niche because the ads that appear on your videos will be of your video niche. So if there were showing high CPC ads on your videos, you would get high earning. But if low CPC ads, then, of course, you will get less earning.

You can check out this article to know more about High CPC Niches.

Every different niche has a different CPC. For Example, if an Entertainment and vlogging channel is making 1$ for 1k views so, on the other side, it’s possible that a Tech channel can make 3$ to 4$ for 1k Views. Understand?

If your subscribers will watch your half video or less, the other side is that you will get less earning. And if your video watch time is full of your subscribers watch your entire video, that means you can earn more money.


So overall, you can earn money from youtube if you work hard with consistency. It doesn’t matter how much competition in your niche. If you make creative, unique, and your own videos. Definitely, you will get good results on your channel.

Once your channel starts growing, then your earning will get increasing day by day. All you need is smart working with consistency. Once your channel gets grow then, it will give you lifetime earnings whenever people watch your videos.

I hope that you will get knowledge from this article. Must comment your thoughts about the youtube channel and also share this article with all your friends. Thank you.