How to make money on Fiverr

How to make money from Fiverr

Fiverr is one of the biggest freelancing platforms. There are Millions of people on Fiverr who are buying and selling their services. It’s a platform where you can earn money by selling your services. In this article, we are going to cover all details about “How to make money on Fiverr.” Must read this complete article to know the entire process of earning money from Fiverr.

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is a freelance platform where freelancers can sell their services, and the services buyers can buy those services as their needs. Fiverr was founded in 2010. It’s the biggest freelance market platform to get any job done by the sellers. There are a lot of service categories available on Fiverr in which you all can sell or buy services.

There is a huge amount of Gigs are available on Fiverr. Almost all Digital services are available on Fiverr. If you are a Designer, Developer, Marketer, or any skill expert, then you can start making money from Fiverr.

If we talk about pricing, then it starts from 5$, and you can charge any price as much as the quality of your services.

On the other side, if you are a Businessman and running any offline company, then you can also Buy these services from Fiverr and take a lot of benefits. You can just Signup on Fiverr as a buyer then you can order any service according to your needs.

How to make money on Fiverr?

How to make money from Fiverr

You can make money on Fiverr by selling your skills. First, you should have to create your services gigs on Fiverr then you will be able to receive orders. By completing those orders, you will earn money.

Fiverr User Interface and User Experience both are beautiful and easy to understand. There is no technical skill needed to get started making money from Fiverr. You only need the skill to get started your journey of making money from Fiverr.

Even there are a lot of people who are making a passive income on Fiverr without any skill. This shows that you can also start if you don’t have any Skill. Don’t worry. I will tell you some ideas at the end to start making money without any Skill.

Here are some steps to follow to get started on Fiverr.

Creating an account:

First, go to Fiverr and signup on Fiverr. There are two methods of signing up. One is “As a Seller” and the second one is “As a Buyer.”

So first you have to create a seller profile to get started. So click on the “Join” button and fill in your information. Once you signed up, you will receive mail on your email account. Now go to your email and verify your account.

After successfully verifying your account you will be able to access all your account options. Now complete your Fiverr profile by entering your all information includes Descriptions, Languages, Skills, Experience, and relatively other details.

Completing your all details and information will be beneficial in optimizing your Fiverr profile.

Creating Gigs on Fiverr:

After completing your profile, Now it’s time to create some Gigs on Fiverr. Gigs are services that will describe your skills. At a new seller, you will only be able to make only 7 Gigs. But after achieving levels on Fiverr, your Limitations of Gigs will automatically increase. You can learn more about Fiverr levels from here.

You can create Gigs of your skills by filling in the Title, Descriptions, Pricing, requirements, or all the details that you will see at the time of making your Gigs on Fiverr.

Get orders on Fiverr:

So after successfully creating Gigs of your Skills on Fiverr. Now it’s time to get orders to make money on Fiverr. So first, it will take some time to get orders on Fiverr and complete them. But remember that you will not get orders directly if your niche has competition.

But If you had optimized your Fiverr gig perfectly, then your chances of ranking higher or the first page on Fiverr will get increased. You can check your Fiverr Gig Rank from

You can also send “Buyer requests” on Fiverr to get orders. A lot of buyers post their needs on Fiverr, and then the Sellers send offers on those posts. Then the buyer contacts anyone seller who sends a relative offer of that post and that seller wins that request.

How Does Fiverr Works?

How does Fiverr works

As you know that Fiverr is a platform for freelancers as well as for buyers. So basically, Fiverr is providing an opportunity to all the Freelancers to Sell their services and Buyers to buy services from sellers. So do you know how this process works? Let me tell you.

Process for Sellers:

When sellers create accounts on Fiverr, they make gigs of their services to sell on Fiverr. So whenever any buyer searches for those services, the related gigs will appear on Fiverr.

So when any Buyer clicks on any gig and sends the message or order on that Gig, then the seller will receive the order. And the amount of that service will go to the Fiverr escrow. Escrow is the process in which Fiverr holds the Payment before completing the order.

Now the seller will complete that order and then deliver it. After delivering, the buyer will check if the order is completed or not? If Completed then he will release the Payment from escrow. Then the Payment will get transferred to the Seller account.

Process for Buyers:

The process of buyers on Fiverr is very straightforward. The buyer will search for any services on Fiverr, and all the related gigs will appear on his front. The buyer also has the option to post the request to get completed. Now the buyer can check all the Gigs and can select the best and related gigs as his needs.

After choosing the best Gig, he can message the seller for more details or even he can also directly place the order. When placing the order, the amount of that package will go to the Fiverr escrow.

After the seller delivers the order, he will check the work if it’s ok or not. If the job needs some revisions, the buyer will ask the seller to make that changes. And if the order is completed, the buyer will release the Payment from his side, and then the money will transfer from escrow to the seller account.

How much Fiverr Costs?

As a seller, Fiverr charge some amount of money after completing the order. It’s the fee of Fiverr which all the sellers have to pay. Remember that you will only receive the funds on your account after completed the Gig order.

There is a 20% fee for sellers which Fiverr cuts from their orders earning and the other 80% will get sent to the seller account.

This means if you complete a 5$ order on Fiverr, you will get 4$ and the other 1$ is the fee of Fiverr which Fiverr automatically cut from the order. Another example is that if you complete a 20$ order you will only get 16$ and 4$ Fiverr will charge from your order as a 20% fee of Fiverr.

Remember that you will only get paid once the buyer will mark as the order is completed.

How to Optimize Profile on Fiverr?

Optimizing your Fiverr profile on Fiverr plays a very important role. This will show a very Good impact on buyers to engage with your services. And when the buyer gets engaged with your services, Of course, he will make a deal with you in the long term projects.

Optimize Profile on Fiverr

Here are the following tips to Optimize your Fiverr Profile:

  • Upload a professional profile picture that shows your face clearly. Don’t upload selfies.
  • Add all your Skills in which you have a strong experience or Grip.
  • Add all the languages you know.
  • Test the Fiverr Skills test. It will be a plus point in front of the buyer.
  • Add your Education or Certifications on Fiverr.

How to Rank Fiverr Gigs?

Rank Fiverr Gigs

Creating your Fiverr gigs doesn’t mean that your work is finished and you will get receiving orders. There is a huge competition on Fiverr so first you have to optimize your Fiverr Gigs which will helps a lot in your Gigs ranking.

Here are some ranking tips for your Fiverr Gigs.

Engaging Description:

Your description must be engaging, which will attract buyers. You have to create an engaging or attractive description. Your description must define your short intro, your skills and expertise, and your work experience. A good description will help you in getting more and more orders on Fiverr.

SEO Friendly Gigs:

Don’t make your Gig fastly. I recommend you give yourself a lot of time when creating your Fiverr Gigs. Because if your Gig is not Optimized, you will not rank higher on Fiverr. So it is very important to create highly optimized gigs.

First, you have to do some research on Fiverr related to your Gigs. Then note down the top keywords and Tags which yop sellers are using. Now target all those keywords in your Fiverr description and also add all the top tags on your Gigs.

Attractive Gigs Photos:

Your Gig’s photos play a very important role in your gigs clicking. Because the more Gig clicks you will get, the more chances of ranking and getting orders will increase.

Always use Cool colours and Clean text and Images in your Gigs Photos. Don’t too much text or images in your Gigs photos because it will distract the buyer’s eye. And he will not click on your Gig.

Almost every Fiverr buyer opens the Gigs by looking at the Gig’s photos. So make sure that your Gigs photos are very engaging or attractive.

Always Online:

Being online is also a very important ranking tip. I personally had to experience that when I online, my gigs appear at a high position. But the offline Sellers gigs don’t show at high. Being online every time will increase your response rate, which is a very important factor of Fiverr Gig ranking.

So be online as much as you can. If you Online every time Fiverr will automatically rank your Gig higher. You can use the Fiverr app to being online every time.

5-Star Rating:

Rating on your Gigs is the reason for Higher ranking, lower-ranking, More orders, or fewer orders. Always work smarter and make sure that you are completing the client’s order as their request. Because when the client will be happy with your work so of course, he will give you the 5-Star Rating.

This 5-Star Rating will help you to get more orders or Rank higher on Fiverr. Your Reviews will engage new buyers to place orders on your Gigs.

Fast Response:

Fast response on Fiverr will help you to engage your buyer. It is also a ranking factor, and it affects all your Fiverr Gigs ranking. When you quickly respond to the buyer’s message, it will be a plus point, and your buyer will not go to other Gigs.

Low response rate affects your Profile, and it’s a negative point for upcoming Buyers. Respond to your buyer’s message as soon as possible. You can also use the Fiverr Application on your Mobile phone to be alert of buyers’ message.

Fiverr Levels:

There are four Top levels on Fiverr. New Seller, Level one Seller, Level two Seller, and the last one Top Rated Seller. When you are a new seller so you will not get any level, but after working consistently, you can get one by one Top-level badge on Fiverr.

All the levels need some requirements from you to get the level badges. You can go check out Fiverr levels and then you can work consistently to get Top Levels. Reaching more levels will increase your Gig limitations.

All the levels have many benefits. Your Levels also help in increasing your Gig’s ranking, and it also engages your new coming buyers.

How to make money on Fiverr without Any Skill?

Earn money on Fiverr without any skill

This is one of the most asking questions of beginners who don’t have any skills and want to know “How to make money on Fiverr without any Skill”. So the answer is Yes. You can make money on Fiverr without any Skills.

There are already a couple of peoples who are earning money on Fiverr without any skills. But I recommend you to learn a skill to achieve a passive income from Fiverr.

First, you should have to learn the complete workflow of Fiverr that I have shared in this article. Then you will understand the algorithms of Fiverr, and you will be easily able to Work on Fiverr without any skills.

The First way to earn money on Fiverr without any skills is outsourcing. Yes, you can outsource the work on Fiverr to earn a handsome amount of money. You have to make Gigs of some services then after receiving orders, you can order it to another seller. You can outsource it from other freelancing platforms like UpworkFreelancerPeople per hour, and many other platforms.

The other method is to choose basic types of skills like Background removal services which you can do by some websites within one click like

You can do subtitle jobs, Ebook editing, and file conversions. Transcriptions, Photo Retouching, and many other services.

These skills are not technical. You can learn the process within a day then you can start selling these types of services on Fiverr.

For more details, you can check out this article.

Pros & Cons of Fiverr:

Fiverr Pros and Cons

Every platform and website has some Pros and Cons. Fiverr also has some advantages and disadvantages. No doubt Fiverr is the biggest freelancing platform. But if we go in-depth so we can analyze some of the Pros & cons of Fiverr. Here are some Fiverr pros and cons of Fiverr.

Fiverr Pros:

  • Fiverr is a straightforward and quick way to start selling or buying. There is a very clean, comfortable, and Amazing user experience on Fiverr. Everyone can easily signup or join on Fiverr and can start selling or buying.
  • You have the freedom of working on Fiverr. You can work at a comfortable time. You don’t need to deliver your work faster. It would be best if you had to deliver the order on time that you had fixed in your Gig Package.
  • There is a secure payment method. No buyer can scam with you on Fiverr if you are a severe seller because there is a Fiverr escrow that holds the payment from the buyer and releases it to your account after completing the order.
  • On Fiverr, there is a feature of Tip that Fiverr promotes. After completing the order, any buyer can give you a tip. This tip can be any amount which depends on your buyer. The average amount of tip on Fiverr which the buyer gives to his seller is 20% of the order.
  • Sellers having good communication skills can make long term clients on Fiverr. They can make custom packages when communicating on Fiverr message. They can make their client ready to pay more by adding some extra custom packages or pricing.
  • You can outsource services on Fiverr if you don’t have much time to complete your orders. There are a lot of peoples who are already doing this.

Fiverr Cons:

  • The first cons of Fiverr are that there is a huge amount of competition if you want to compete with that competition, you have to give much time to creating your Engaging description and attractive gigs.
  • There is a Commission of Fiverr, which you have to pay on every order after completing. The fee of Fiver is 20% which will automatically cut from your order price after completing the order.
  • Some bad reviews and a low response rate can affect your Gig’s ranking. So you have to be online every time to respond asap and work very neat and clean to earn better reviews on your gigs.

Get started on Fiverr:

Get started on Fiverr

Now I hope that you know the complete process of “How to make money on Fiverr”. Now it’s the best time to get started on Fiverr in 2021. By making some efforts, you can easily rank your Gigs and make your clients on Fiverr.

Once you have to do some research in your niche, note down the keywords, tags, and packages of all the top seller’s gigs. Then make your Gig more engaging and attractive. You can make the best packages of your Gig as much as you can.

No Doubt that Fiverr can change your Life. Once you get starting orders, you can build your team and can provide more quality work to your clients. It’s a very Good time to Get started on Fiverr in 2021.

Working on Fiverr will be very beneficial to you and give you a lot of advantages. Believe me that once you get a starting order, you can earn more and more than a Job. There are no limitations to making money from Fiverr. You can make Fiverr your full-time career.

You have to do some research on Fiverr, and then you will get amazed that there are a lot of categories in which sellers are selling a huge amount of services. So Best of luck to you and I hope once you will get started, you will get succeed. My best wishes are with you.


I hope you will understand all the processes and workflow of Fiverr. Now you have one step to get started on Fiverr. Join Fiverr now. It’s the best time and opportunity for you to change your Life with Fiverr.

At this time, there are a lot of categories and niches which have no competition stills yet. So why you are not taking advantage? Just take your step to make money on Fiverr.

I hope that all the doubts of “How to make money on Fiverr” was cleared in your Mind. Because each and everything related to Fiverr, I have covered in this article. Also, share this article with your friends and on social media to help others to start making money from Fiverr. Thanks